The journey continues…

Woooooooow yesterday marked my 9 month journey here in NEW YORK… I can’t believe it!! As you can see from the GIF below, this expresses my reaction to that thought mixed with tears and gratitude to God.

For the past few weeks I have been in some rather unique situations that have led me to doing A LOT of reevaluating my purpose, my move, my future and so many more things. The most interesting situation so far has been that of me seeing why God moved me 1,500 miles away from the known and placed me dead smack in the middle of the unknown. The why has blown my mind and has overtaken me in such a way that I have never experienced before. As I am typing this my eyes are full of tears of gratitude to God for even thinking that I am worthy enough to help carry out such a huge plan that He has for His children. That goes for each of you as well. When you start to feel less than or start to question why am I in this place doing this… The answer is that God wants you to show this world the masterpiece that He has created within you. Your smile, your kindness, your love, your personality, your talents, your beauty, your style, your voice, your creativity, your gentleness, your generosity and the list goes on and on about what this world needs to see because of the God within you.

Some pretty amazing opportunities have occurred for me that I would’ve never experienced if I were still in my known/comfort zone. Don’t get me wrong, moving outside of your comfort zone will bring pain, fear, tears, beauty, growth and vulnerability but through this journey which I still face daily, God’s promises stay the same. My go to scripture is Matthew 6:25-26

25That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life–whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?

26Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?

I never realized how much a worried until I decided to take this faith walk journey and all I could depend on was God My Source to provide the resources that I needed exactly at the times that I needed them. By me doing my part of working and doing as I am instructed to do, led to doors of opportunities that led to more resources. I struggle daily with not worrying and doing what I was sent here to do but I remind myself along with some pretty awesome people that are in my life, that I need God to help me in those moments of weakness.

As I sit here and think about all the people that I’ve met since I’ve moved here, reminds me that these types of connections and relationships don’t just happen everyday. God connected us all together for such a time as this and I am forever grateful. When you allow God to write your story and not get ahead of Him, you will experience a crazy amount of peace and it will make it easier to trust Him more and more. The next blog post topic will be on trust and boy oh boy do I have plenty of stories about that. You’ll have to check on back with that new topic of discussion.

Always remember that you will have struggles, disappointments, highs and lows in life and they are only here to mold you into the best version which is the masterpiece God created before this world began. So show this world proudly who God is and how His way is the only way that works by creating Kingdom success/fruitfulness.

Please leave a comment below on your experiences with moving out of your comfort zone. Can’t wait to read them!! Praying for each of you and if you have any special prayer requests, feel free to contact me and I would love to join you in prayer.

‘Til next time my loves… Be the change that you wish to see!!


FAITHing my way to the top

Well hello there and welcome to my newest series: FAITHing my way to the top.

If you are new to my blog… I am SO excited that you are joining us. In order for you to be able to follow along with this post you have to go back and read my previous series called 3:2. Click the link to read that fun series below

I know that’s it’s been a while since I have posted on my blog, but honey let me tell you how my life has and is continuously changing day by day.

The main purpose for my move to New York is to grow my business that helps equip young ladies for purpose while partnered with a Godly mentor. The path that God has chosen for me to journey into is the entertainment industry. I am at a place in my life where my “Yes Lord” literally means wherever and whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it.

Disclaimer: This is the most challenging season of my life that I’ve ever had. It’s pushing me into a deeper level with God and self discovery. My insecurities have been placed on center stage and I’m sitting in the front row staring back at them while fighting through the blinding lights and heat that come from the pressures all around me. There’s no getting around them. There’s no yelling “CUT” and “BACK TO ONE”. You continue to push through every emotion and every reality. The only thing that is helping me to see past the blinding lights and spot lights on my insecurities is the faith that I have in God. He is right by my side and wipes away my tears.

The title of this series came to me a few weeks ago and it hit me like a ton of bricks. This season of life that I’m in is literally my leap of faith while wearing heels. Ladies you know how heels make you feel from the very beginning after you purchase them and the many times after you have had them a while. Very painful at times BUT you feel BEAUTIFUL in them and like a new lady. But the most important thing to remember about wearing heels, you don’t just sit down in them. It requires you to actually walk in them and go places and that is where the pain comes from. Not in the sitting still and pretty stage but in the actual journey from your home to your destination. Think about that for a few moments.

So as I am reflecting on the mountain moments where everything seems to be working out perfectly and exceeding your expectations, those moments will have you praising God from a joyful and cheerful place. But what about those moments when you weren’t ready for those deep valley places and you thought that the faith that you have in God would continue to elevate you to mountain top views. Well I’m here to share my journey of mountain top views and of deep valley places. I’ve experienced both just this short time that I’ve been in New York. I went from getting booked back to back to rejection after rejection and rejection again. Yes it did take a brief toll on me and my faith but God reminded me that He is right here with me and that I’m still growing closer to him and will be able to touch the lives of so many different people. I have already seen that done right in front of me. Each set that I’ve been on has allowed me to share my testimony with so many others.All of the No’s only reminded me that those were not the doors that I needed to have opened in order to fulfill my ultimate goal/purpose.

All of the opportunities that I have been given, don’t just happen on a regular basis especially to someone that is just getting into the entertainment industry. All of the business classes that I’ve been taking weekly for FREE, don’t just happen anywhere. You have to pay thousands of dollars for this type of information in order to grow a business. God is showing me that by my active faith in Him and trusting Him to provide for me, is the ONLY way that I’ll make it to the top.

I want you to ask yourself: What will my life look like if I go after what GOD has created me to do instead of what I think it should be like?

In closing, when I am referring to “TO THE TOP” I’m not meaning taking over an industry or being well known. It means to the top of your purpose that you were created for. Remember that no one can do what you were created to do like you can. This world needs our obedience. Stay alert of any distractions that will be sent your way by Satan and discern everything that is placed in front of you.

Love y’all and I will post some shots from my photoshoot at the end of each post.


3:2 Finale

Well well well… We have come to the finale of this 3:2 series.

As I have reflected back from the start of this year up until today, I think that it’s safe to say that my life has changed dramatically. It all started with a simple but complex “YES GOD”. All the excuses had to be thrown out the window. If you would’ve asked me a year ago if I would drop my life in Houston to move to a state where I didn’t really know anyone, my answer would’ve been “Umm absolutely not”. The way that God has shown me that trusting Him no matter what honestly leaves me speechless. All of the people that He has placed in my life and the mind blowing events that have taken place right before my eyes, ignites a bigger flame within me. Transparency moment: I have become afraid at times and not wanting to keep pushing for the things that I know that I need in order for me to utilize my fullest potential. My prayers have even changed. This new season requires a different version of myself and it also magnifies my areas of weakness. Let’s just say I’m uncomfortable right now but I refuse to give up. Yes it is hard, but I look back at all that I’ve gone through and have accomplished and I WILL NOT GIVE UP.

My 32nd birthday was on Monday and it was not only a regular birthday, it signified so much more. Here is a picture I took in Times Square.

I had lots of emotions and thoughts swarming around in my brain.

My top 3:

  1. Wow!! This is my new way of life that I’ve been praying about and now I’m actually experiencing it.
  2. I definitely stand out and don’t feel like I fit in with the people here.
  3. It’s going to take me a while to get use to Public transportation because we’ve gotten off at the wrong stop 2 times. I’m afraid of the Subways LoL!!!

This entire week and a half that I’ve been living here has tightened my relationship with God even more and has opened up so many conversations about God and pursuing obedience with so many people. Their responses are just mind blowing and how just my walking on water experience has opened their hearts to obedience. I must say, I’ve already experienced disappointments and don’t like them BUT there’s a reason for it all.

Now that I am officially 32 years old… I don’t have any fancy smancy things to say other than… THIS WILL BE THE YEAR OF EXPERIENCES LIKE NO OTHER!!

Enjoy the pictures from “My Birthday in the City” edition with my Desi that came out here Friday to help me celebrate my birthday. She left Wednesday afternoon. I love her so much and I’m so thankful for our sisterhood!!!

3:2 Discussion question: Comment about what God has spoken to you through this series. Also if you have any topic ideas that you would like for me to post about, let me know!!!

I pray that each of you were blessed by my blog and ‘Til next time maximize your time here on Earth by doing things out of your comfort zone.


3:2 I did it

After last night’s post, I decided to jump in and see what that would look like living in New York. I decided to WALK to the grocery store. I have NEVER ever done that before let alone in a neighborhood that I’ve never been to in a completely different culture. The urge to speak and to smile at people is rooted SO deep in me that I honestly feel like I’m in shackles when I’m out. I wanted to smile at so many people while on my walk but was quickly reminded that people don’t do that here. That is so mysterious to me.

I got my groceries and headed back home. My walk was not even 5 minutes and when I got home, I paused to reflect on what I just experienced. I have entered into a new type of life and I don’t know how I fit in. God is definitely going to have to show me how He wants me to be. But then He reminded me that I’m not supposed to fit in. Honestly I still don’t understand what that is going to look like for me in this season. I am a very friendly person because I have the joy of Lord within me. I’m just going to leave that alone right now.

So after I ate my breakfast, I got a sudden boost of energy to organize my room and closets. I am settling in more each day. When you feel comfortable in your own home, you begin to be comfortable with your surroundings. I’m already secure in who I am in Christ so I must transfer that into every area of my life. Tonight’s post is very short I know.

I’m going to combine tomorrow and Sunday together as a post on the eve of my 32nd birthday. So I’ll check back in with y’all Sunday!!!!

3:2 Discussion question… What have you accomplished that you’ve been putting off?

‘Til next time my loves remember that when you do one thing that you were apprehensive about and when you actually do that, more than one thing will come from it. That is just the door to open up other things that needed to be done as well.


3:2 The newness

Raise your hand if you have ever become overtaken by the newness of something. Whether it be a new job, car, pet, home, promotion, relationship, career, gadget and the list goes on and on. Have you found yourself stuck in that initial moment when you experienced the newness of whatever you had? What did that do you in the first moment of interacting with it? Did you have a sense of wholeness? Or feel that you have arrived honey? Whatever you felt in that very first moment, we can all agree that the initial emotions and feelings went away.

At what point do we get past the initial feelings and into the reality of the power that our newness can and will have over us?

I’m asking these types of questions to get your mind and actions from being stuck in the initial moment that align with putting actions behind the newness.

So as you know by now I have moved to New York just a few days ago. My lifestyle since I graduated college has been that of GO,GO,GO. “Go after it”, “make it happen”, “do whatcha gotta do” etc. As I’ve had these few days to reflect and just sit quietly before God, I have realized that I don’t know how to be ok with not doing anything. I think I’m afraid that I may become too comfortable with not doing anything that I literally do nothing. I’ve had to push myself out of the mood of just laying down into make plans and write them out. I’m not saying don’t do anything, the way that my life has been set up and the current season that I’m in, I can’t afford to settle into the newness for too long. That will completely go against the purpose of why I’m even in New York.

I am being very transparent tonight! I absolutely love it here already and I know that I can get distracted easily. Please check in on me to make sure that I am still walking in my purpose. I have so much to do for the Kingdom but the difference this time is, I have God’s power to make things happen to help build His Kingdom. I know that it’s not my doing but it’s the Holy Spirit that is within me. I had things backwards before, it was me doing things in my own will, not God’s. I know better now!!

3:2 Discussion question: What newness have you settled deep into lately?

‘Til next time my loves remember to push past the newness smell and into the natural scent of where you are called to be.


3:2 Take it all in

For my first day of being a New Yorker can you guess what I did today??? I did absolutely nothing today. My body was getting exhausted so I decided to rest. Boy did that feel good. I woke up super early like I always do and couldn’t go back to sleep. So I prayed and tried to take this all in more. It really hasn’t hit me yet honestly.

I wanted to talk about taking in every situation that you are involved in. A lot of times we get so busy and worrying about the next thing that we forget to take in the current moment. One area that God worked on my heart was being present. I have the tendacy to over plan and over analyze situations in my head and be completely zoned out from the person who is right in front of me. That was such an exhausting time in my life. When you’re present, you are able to engage that person(s) conversation and respond appropriately. We all can tell true genuine people when we are in conversations with them. Those are the types of people that we want to stay connected to. Learning how I used to be has help mold me into the genuine person that I am today. I absolutely LOVE listening and engaging with people that I am around.

Take it all in. Take in who you are talking to. Take in the scenery. Take it the memories that you are making with whomever you are with. Take in the blessings that God has so graciously given to you. Take in all that you went through in order to have that current moment. Take in the emotions. Take in all of the people that are close to you. Take it in that there is ALWAYS a reason for every moment of your life. Take it all in.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

I’m choosing to take in the fact that I love the way of life up here with food and delivery methods. I don’t have to leave the house to get food. Here’s a pic of the delivery guy from tonight.

How cool is that?!? I’ll be taking in more tomorrow and every day after that.

3:2 Discussion question: What have you not taken the time to take in lately?

‘Til next time my loves remember to always be present!!!


3:2 The coast is all clear

It’s official ladies and gentlemen I am a New Yorker!! I still feel like I’m just here visiting so like any other normal person that feels like this… what do they do? They unpack and move furniture around LoL!! That’s exactly what I am doing right now. I absolutely LOVE to decorate so I can’t wait to make it my own.

I am going to have to get use to this time difference. It was already dark by 6 o’clock and only one thing comes to my mind with darkness and New York… can you guess what it is?………………THE ATTACK OF THE HUGE GIGANTIC SIZED RATS. Well quick story about that… I originally ordered some pizza from a Pizzeria not too far from my place and it was getting closer to the deliver time and I hadn’t heard anything from them. I go look on the app for any updates and it says CANCELLED. My little heart dropped and was like wait, why? All I wanted was some pizza. But I guess they close at 9 and I placed my order and it didn’t tell me that they were about to close. So I was all in my feelings thinking “I am a brand new New Yorker how dare you treat your fellow people like this LoL”. After those thoughts one fact still remained… I was STARVING! I looked for another restaurant and I settled on Wing Stop can’t go wrong with them right?!? *Blank stare* 😒 first off let’s talk about how I ordered the wrong meal, secondly my fries were cold, thirdly my drink was just tossed in my bag spilled all in the bag. Here’s some pics of this disaster.

As I’m closing the door what do I see running it’s little big happy tail across the walkway down the stairs… Stuart Little 🐀 it wasn’t close to me but I saw it and jumped. As long as they stay outside we are good.

I think that it’s safe to say that I have already experienced the New York life. I rode in a taxi with a CRAZY driver, thought I was about to die in his vehicle, saw a rat, heard some loud old school RnB Dru Hill music from someone’s house LoL oh and stood in a super LONG line and waiting at the airport for a taxi. Thanks for the welcome New York.

Now I can get to the meaning of the title. I’m not sure how God communicates with you but with me especially today was a still small voice but very affirming and direct. As I was gazing out the window looking out into the open sky at these types of views

I thought to myself why aren’t there any clouds like I’m use to seeing when I fly. I kept thinking that and I even dozed off and took a nap and woke back up to the same type of view. So I really asked God saying basically what’s up with this view? Oh boy why did I ask that? Because right after, God just began to drop in my spirit the significance of that clear view that had been around for hundreds and maybe thousands of miles.

He started off by saying The coast is all clear for you Candyce. You have and are doing what I’ve been fighting so hard for you to walk into. Because of your faith and obedience… Your coast is clear. I thought that was the most affirming and sweetest thing to feel and to know that God sees me and He cares all about what I’m doing. He has fought for me and will continue to make my path clear.

I’m not going to share all of them tonight but here’s one more:

Your path is only smooth and clear with me (God). He is the only one that sits high and looks low at all that is going on in our lives. We can’t make our paths clear and smooth on our own. Step aside and Let God make your coast clear.

Last pictures of the night. I know that a part of my purpose is to help others get out of their comfort zones and live the dream that God has for them. I bought this shirt that has several “Dream” prints along the sleeves and around the bicep and tricep muscles area. An early birthday present from a very special new sister friend/little sister was the charm called World Traveler and look what it has on one side of the suitcase… LA, PARIS AND NYC. That charm is so special to me because it is representing this new season.

3:2 Discussion questions: What has God shown you about clearing the coast for you? Do you believe Him even if you don’t see any evidence of the coast being clear?

I am very curious to read your comments to these questions.

‘Til next time my loves remember to always wait on God to go ahead of you to make sure that the coast is clear. I will go deeper on that tomorrow!!!


3:2 Showering me with love

Today was such a day full of love and surprises.

I am overwhelmed by the love that has been shown today.

Tonight’s post is super short and all I want to say is THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT!!

Tomorrow is going to be the hardest day yet! Please pray for me

Here’s a pic from my family time at my granny’s house today.

I love my family so much! I’m going to leave it at that because I’ve cried so much today.

‘Til next time my loves remember to always cherish each moment that you have with your family and friends.


3:2 Is this really happening? 

My morning totally started off in a freak out mode. I won’t go into details but long story short I was looking for a very important document and couldn’t find it. So I had a cry out to God moment and said “God you are looking right at it so I need you to show me where it is” and right after that, He led me straight to it. I literally tore up my room trying to find it. I praised Him for helping me find that.

My praise this week has come from a new place in my heart. I can’t sing certain songs without crying because they touch my soul in a special way like never before. I know that my new season that I am walking into requires a new and deeper level in God.

As I think about all that I have to do still, I don’t think that it’ll all get done. But I know that when I shift my focus off of what I’m lacking and onto I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I am able to tackle each task with confidence. My prayer is for guidance and a clear mind to get everything sorted out and ready to go Monday morning!!

Saying more of my see you later to some precious people that are so dear to my heart.

Honestly the hardest thing about moving is missing everyone. I can’t even imagine how Jesus felt when He told His disciples the He had to leave them. The way I’ve been crying cutting up and feeling like there’s a HUGE hole in my heart doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of Jesus’ heart. It’s so hard to look past that and accept what’s ahead of me. That’s why the title is “Is this really happening?” My heart is still in a state of disbelief but my spirit is in a state of the best is yet to come so get ready. My flesh has been defeating me on most days so far. I will choose to be lead fully by my spirit and switch my focus. I am super excited and ready for this new chapter but I had no idea that all of these emotions and new levels of who God is continuously molding me to be would be involved so deeply.

This is the season that God showed me how He views me and I think that’s the toughest part to accept. I am humbled and excited to see what He has next for me. I know that He is already making things happen on my behalf and will continue to open the doors that I’m supposed to walk through.

3:2 Discussion question: When change is involved, what are some things that can cloud your view of your circumstances and your future?

‘Til next time my loves remember to walk in the Spirit!!!!



3:2 Write it down

If you know me, then you know that I LOVE to write. I LOVE journals and pens!!! Pens just make my world so much better!

This pen was a gift from my friend Jessica.

Ever since I can remember, I have loved to write. I especially enjoyed writing on walls at home and furniture and yes I did get whooped for that. When I began to journal in high school, it helped me pour out my heart in a way that I felt safe. Sharing what was going on inside of me with others was not something I felt comfortable doing. Once I got to college, journaling was quickly replaced with all of my Biology and Chemistry notes, new friends and a new environment for me to try to change my past. Yeah that didn’t work out very well but during those years, I thought I was really changing and doing better. Oooh boy was I wrong!!

Next comes post graduation life aka the real world with real bills and real struggles. I found myself trying to get back into the journaling swing of life but that was short lived. There were too many new things going on around me. I moved to a new city hours away from home, I had a real full-time job in a career that I didn’t even go to school for or any training, dating and new friends on top of so much more. I was all over the place and distracted by so much. During that season I was depressed, broken down even more, faced failure in the most difficult and trying way possible. Inspite of that I pushed through all of the pain into God and truly desired a real intimate relationship with Him. I never had a real intimate relationship with Him before and only with a few people in my life up to that point.

As you read the title of this post Write it down, what came to mind? Well God downloads information inside of us that He wants us to bring it to life with our uniqueness that He has created within us. Only you can do what God has designed for you to do in a way that only you can with your personality and looks. Nobody else can do what you are called to do like you can. I REALLY want for you to get what I’m saying because I know that someone that is reading this post needs this. I have struggled pretty much my whole life with identity issues and how I didn’t understand why I looked this way and not like others. Especially when it came to my personality, I am am extremely silly person that is very spunky but at the same time I can go real deep with you in .005 seconds. A lot of people aren’t use to that and I included myself in that because I wasn’t use to it due to never meeting anyone like myself. God has used my personality in mind blowing ways that I am grateful for. He knew that I could only cross paths with certain people that needed to experience Jesus through the Spirit that’s within me and the way that I deliver it all.

So let’s get back to the title. I was told several times tonight that I need to write down the visions that God has shown me so that I won’t get distracted and off course. Ask God to reveal the different parts to your vision meaning who is apart of it and what you are desiring. My main take away from tonight’s Bible study was I can’t share my vision with everyone. God will release me to tell those individuals that will be apart of it. Everyone can’t handle and understand what God is doing in your life. He will separate you in order to elevate you to the level that He needs you on. That was for somebody 😊

3:2 Discussion question for tonight… Have you created a vision board for this year and wrote out the plan for it? Disclaimer… your plans and God’s plans may not match up and His plans will ALWAYS overthrow yours any day so make sure that you hold very loosely to your plans and trust that if God throws you a curveball, you will be ok with His greater plan.

Proverbs 16:3 NIV Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.

‘Til next time my loves remember to grab your favorite pen and sit quiet before God and let Him pour into you!!!


Oh and let’s just say that I DEFINITELY made up for the fewer tears that I shed on yesterday… Today – signed the big cry baby!

3:2 Blind faith

I am glad to announce that I’ve only cried one time today!! That’s a record for me LoL!! Today has been such a special day for me. It all started off at work when my work family had a breakfast celebration for me. The food was delicious and the decorations blew me away. Here are some pictures

Each week in our staff meetings, we take turns doing a devo for the group. Today was my last one. As I was thinking about what I was going to teach on, I asked God what do we all need to think about right now? So I did my devo on blind faith. I asked several questions about what does that mean to them and I asked myself the same questions. The responses were right on point and had a very interesting take.

So let me ask you what does blind faith mean to you?

My take on it is that in order for me to grow in my relationship with God, my faith has to be my foundation. When I’m called out of my comfort zone and out onto the water, I will not look at the size of the assignment but at who’s calling me to it. I will not know all of the details BUT my faith in God and the trust that I have is what’s leading me blindly to wherever God is calling me to with Him. My move to New York is definitely an example of this. He is strategically revealing bits and pieces about this new chapter. My trust and faith has been taken to another level right now and continues to grow.

I just love how God continues to remind me that I’m still on assignment here in Houston and He still has daughters that need to experience Jesus in a life changing way. Today was the perfect example of that. My bestie and I taught a class together tonight and I absolutely loved it. We feed off of each other and are very passionate about Jesus.

We only got to the third point due to some amazing conversations that were being had among us. Being obedient even when it doesn’t make sense is what God wants. I never thought in a million years that I would be teaching at this level and to this audience. So much joy and laughter filled my heart tonight.

As I was walking through the office, I walked by this picture and said “oh WOW, how timely is this”!!

In closing, during the discussion on blind faith one of the elders at my church which I call “The Don Father” answered the question by saying that sometimes we think that having blind faith while we are figuratively walking  in the forest that we won’t run into any trees or trip over a log. That’s not the case, things will come up in life while we are on our faith walk. Trusting God and continuing the journey is blind faith. We open ourselves up to be extremely vulnerable when we walk blindly with God because we don’t know what situation will present itself.

3:2 Discussion questions:

  1. What is a situation that you can think of that has required blind faith?
  2. What was the outcome of it?

‘Til next time my loves, show someone that you love them!!!!!

3:2 The process

I cannot believe that I am one week away from my big move. Throughout this whole entire process of transition, God has shown me how much I’ve grown deeper in him and that I’m at a different level in Him. My faith has been tested, stretched, grown and pruned for such a time as this.

Last week God blew my mind with my living arrangements. I’ll be living where I wanted to live at an AMAZING price with a person that I know AND in such a beautiful home. So you can’t tell me that having faith in God doesn’t payoff. Being obedient even when it doesn’t make sense is what God wants. He has everything worked out and He reveals His plan at the perfect time.

I had a BLAST as always with my Moni tonight. She and I have been best friends pretty much our whole lives. It’s so amazing how God has us work together in ministry. Tonight was supposed to be like a planning night for our class tomorrow BUT laughter and celebration took over.

This is our favorite sushi restaurant

The process that you will have to go through is a very tough one and I would not have a settled spirit if I didn’t tell you that. But the beauty of the new you and walking into greater is SO worth it all. You will cry, be angry, happy, excited, sad, confused and many many more emotions. Keep pushing past those feeling of wanting to give up.

I am honestly still pushing and have not arrived. The faith and trust in God that I am experiencing right now shocks me everyday that I wake up as I say “WOW I’m moving to NY”. I didn’t know how it was going to be done but it’s working out perfectly. The real mystery lies in what exactly I will be doing once I’m there. To be continued on that…….

‘Til next time my loves, trust the process and not the pain. Fall in love with the process!!!

3:2 Leaving my legacy

Let me start off by saying I have been THE biggest cry baby today. I’m not sure if you’ve ever been in my current situation and how God is moving you from your familiar into the unknown. My time back in Houston has been full of mind blowing experiences.

From not having a job when I moved back to how God used me to mentor so many children and adults, has definitely played a HUGE part of why I was such a cry baby today. The start of Hey! G.I.R.L. last year has taken off at a rapid pace.

I didn’t realize how much of an impact that I was making. Today I was taken to lunch by my little mentee’s. God knew that we needed each other. Even though they are sad, upset and confused about how God calls us to do things that we don’t understand at the moment but all in due timing He will reveal it to us.

I know that my legacy will continue to illuminate in Houston as I depart to my next assignment. The evidence of God is my legacy that will be still be in place years and years from now. It is so humbling that God decided to use me to show people that He is the only way.

Be prepared for lots of pictures from some of my assignments in Houston. I am so honored and blessed to have met some amazing individuals. There’s no way that I could post all my pictures. I tried to put them in chronological order as much as I could. Enjoy and there’s 2 questions at the end.


Eduvention Mentoring and Consulting


Five Star



Eduvention Mentoring and Consulting



Pathway to Hope



WHCC lead team


Soul Link


Love y’all so much

3:2 Discussion questions: What do you want your legacy to be? How are you working towards making that a reality?
‘Til next time my loves, put smile on someone’s face!!!!!



3:2 Paths

Tonight’s post will be shorter because I want to leave you with some questions to reevaluate some things in your life. This idea was just laid on my heart. I titled this post Paths because we are all on a path of some sort. My path does not look like yours and vice versa. A dangerous outlook is comparison. What it all boils down to is, how are we utilizing the path that God created for us? I will admit that I have compared my path with other paths that my heart desired. For example, marriage and raising a family, traveling the world and having a certain type of lifestyle just to name a few. All that did was make me depressed, stagnant in every area of life, unhappy and miserable. I had to get to the point to where I was happy and content in both the good and the bad in my life. That only took place when I shifted my view from what I didn’t have to what I actually have right in front of me and within. One of the most awkward season that I went through was the season of moving back home, not having a job for some months and trying to find my place in church and home and with friends and family. But during that long season God was pruning me and molding me for this very moment as I’m preparing for my huge move to New York!! My path is tailor made just for me and God knows exactly why He chose me to carry it out. I do not have all of the answers to most of the questions that people ask me about my move. My one and only answer is God needs me there for an assignment. I honestly don’t know what it’s going to look like or what I will be doing BUT I will continue to watch God happen.

So here’s your questions for you to reflect on:

  1. What are you holding onto in this season that could be holding you back from getting to God’s path for you?
  2. Do you wish that your path was created differently?
  3. In a culture that prides itself on making a lot of money, do you get caught up in that sometimes?
  4. If God’s path for you included the very thing that you dislike the most, how would you approach your circumstances? (What would your attitude consist of)
  5. Does your current path fully represent Jesus? If not then what changes can be made to your path to match THE path made by God?

‘Til next time my loves!!!!!!


3:2 Puzzle pieces

Hey my loves!!!

So if you’ve been following my blog then you should be updated on what this series is all about. But if this is your first time on my site then oh honey bun WELCOME TO SWEET INSPIRATIONS BY CANDYCE. Also before you finish reading this scroll down to the first post 3:2 and catch up then jump back in to this post.

Well if you remember from yesterday’s post I talked about how God exceeded my expectations on some answered prayers.

Tonight I titled this part PUZZLE PIECES. I absolutely LOVE to put puzzles together and I’ve always loved sitting and completing them ever since a very young age.

Before I post I always ask God to reveal what I need to hit on. Have you ever thought about puzzles from a different perspective? I view my life as a giant size puzzle and I am the outside pieces. Let me break it down, the border pieces represent my purpose/calling on this Earth. Those are the given pieces that can represent things such as my general framework, human limitations, the day that you entered into the world etc. Typically border pieces are the easiest to spot out as the most obvious on where they are to go. Their role/purpose is already predetermined for them because without them there would be no closure/stopping point. I hope that you are still following me. Another observation of the border pieces is that don’t ever really show you the full picture of what the completed puzzle will look like. Ok raise your hand if you see what I’m getting at!! I know that I cannot see you raising your hand but God can and that signifies that there’s something down within you that knows that there is greatness within you and a calling that needs to come together.
I want to go into more detail about the statement that I made about the border never gives you all the details of your life and what it’s going to look like. I’m at a point now where God is adding more pieces and I can’t see what it’s looking like but I can FEEL the beauty that’s coming together. Each person that I have met up until know have played a part in putting my puzzle together. Experiences have also played a part in completing my puzzle. I want you to pause and think about all the people and experiences puzzle pieces. Do they have beautiful detailed colors that show fruit bearing experiences or are they dark that represents sin and strongholds that are keeping you stuck? The beauty about each of our puzzles, God designed it perfectly for each of us and He knows EXACTLY how many dark and colorful pieces that we will have. But oh please be encouraged, God still uses the dark pieces to complete our puzzle.

All of the people that I have strategically met from this time last year up until now was all God ordained and I’m learning that they  play a part in my purpose and my move to NY. The young lady pictured below that is standing next to me is just one example of how God needed for us to cross paths and for me to remain an encouragement to each other throughout last year and continuously until He says enough.

My closing thoughts… remember that each piece has a position, a predetermined color and position, a different shape and purpose. We were all created to carry out our purpose and calling but in order to do that, you will need all the pieces placed in the correct spaces to put you together in order for you to be complete in Christ Jesus.

3:2 Discussion question #1: What colored pieces (colored or dark) do you think you have more of right now that make up your puzzle right now. (Refer back up to the illustration about the colored pieces representation).

#2 What do you think the size of your puzzle can represent?

‘Til next time my loves!!!!!

3:2 (day 03)

Soooooooooooooooooo… Let me start off by saying that today has been a rollercoaster of a day. From waking up early with the strong desire to listen to worship music to some changes in plans to my emotions skyrocketing to exhaustion and ending with a bursting through the ceiling with excitement from the news I received.

Y’all my prayers are being answered all at the perfect time. God knew that I would be in this exact spot with it all and at the perfect time… BOOM He shows up and shows out!!!

Remember my word for 2018 is TRUST. That is not very easy for me to do but I know that in order for God to take me to the places that I need to be, I MUST TRUST Him at all times.

Today signifies a powerful number. 3 represents the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. And today my friend the Trinity showed out on my behalf!!! He is ALWAYS listening and provides right on time.

As I take you on this journey with me, my prayer is that God will speak to each of you in a way that you KNOW that it is Him. In this year God is raising up His children to go into enemy territory and SHINE Jesus’ light for all to see. This is my current season and I know that wherever I’m going, God has prepared them for me and He has made room for my gifts and talents.

3:2 Discussion question:
What do you see yourself doing in 2018 for the Kingdom? 
My answer: Sharing Jesus with this world in whatever field God has me in.

‘Til next time my loves…. make sure that you are leaving your comfort zone in the past!!


Praising God with you for all of the victories in your life!!

3:2 (day 02)

Hello my loves!!! Well let me first start off by saying today has been a bit of a blah kind of a day for me. I get in temporary moods that tend to stick around for a day or sometimes just some hours. Today was one of those days.

There are several factors that always tie into my mood changes. With that in mind, I approach my interactions with others differently because I know that the way that my attitude is set up, it won’t be in my best interest to respond according to my mood. One factor I can show you was the weather today and that it was extremely cold.

I thought to myself… If I think this is freezing oooh just wait until I move. But that got me thinking about preparation, wisdom and covering. As you can see above I did a screenshot of my current location and my future location. It didn’t stick out to me what the current temp in Houston was until I just attached it. How cool and significant that number is right now for this series.

Preparation is definitely where God is still working on me. The wisdom that I have received from others that have experienced the NY winter has provided me with the proper physical and spiritual covering.

Let me break it down in a different way. Without the wisdom and guidance from others about what I am walking into, I wouldn’t be covered at all. For example in this case, Houston and New York have two different types of winter’s. Yes they both are extremely cold right now but as you can see, our temperatures are going to rise back up by the weekend. Also the type of coat that I would wear down here on a cold winter day will not be the same type of coat that I wear up there to protect me from the freezing temperatures. I could do two things with the wisdom that was shared with me.

One: accept the wisdom and actually put it to use.


Two: reject it and go off of what I feel is right.

There’s always a reason why God will cross your path with someone.

I have honestly received so much wisdom and covering today that it has caused me to get more excited.

Y’all I ain’t gone lie… Today I said I don’t know how I’m going to make it up there in this weather. And soon after that God whispered “You’ll make it because I’m already there waiting on you and I’ve provided the resources to keep you warm”.

Don’t you just love how our Daddy listens to even our most silliest things that actually come out of our mouths?!?

I will leave you with this… My word for 2018 is TRUST. I don’t know where I’m going to live, where I’ll be working, what acting and modeling gigs I will get or anything BUT I do TRUST that our Father already has it all planned out and knows when to let it all unfold. The picture below is a picture of my vision board from 2017 and as I looked at it tonight this popped out to me. I didn’t have a clue when I was making my board that the section under destination would actually be where my next destination would be. I circled it when God confirmed that that would be my next residency. Isn’t God so AMAZING?

Tomorrow I’ll share with you how He connected me with people from that area last year way before I knew I was moving. Stay tuned for this mind blowing story!!!

Discussion question for 3:2… What destination are you holding on to right now? Has God confirm that place for you or have you confirmed that place for yourself? Comment below so we can encourage one another.

‘Til next time my loves!!!!!!!



First off I would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family!!!  I am SO EXCITED for 2018. Welcome back to Sweet Inspirations by Candyce ❤


Now since I had to share that disclaimer…. where was I? I have missed sharing my life stories with y’all and I am super excited to share this new season with you.  So much has happened since my last post which was back in December 2016. Here’s the link If you want to go check it out to get a refresher

If you can recall my series titled “kissing my 20’s goodbye” from 2 years ago, I brought you along on my journey to turning 30. That was such an emotionally, spiritually and growing time of my life. Here’s the link to follow my journey into 30.

As I said “HAPPY NEW YEAR” to my closest and dearest family and friends at midnight, my heart went into a state of shock. It finally hit me that I will embark upon a new journey in exactly 2 weeks from today to New York. All of emotions that you could possibly think of when you think of relocation hit me!! I was sad, excited, thrilled, nervous, afraid, insecure and full of peace all at the same time. Those are natural emotions to have when experiencing something like this. But the peace only comes if you have God along with you at all times.

I know that God is already there waiting on me because He has confirmed this time after time on so many levels and through so many people. That’s the thing about obedience, “Your YES GOD will have you out in the world looking like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT, how’s that going work?” Trust and believe that I am a living witness to what walking on the water can do for you if you only TRUST Him.

Day 01: As I reflected over my last 7 years after graduation up until now, every single experience that I have been through has equipped me for where I am going. I am reminded of

Romans 8:28 NLT And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Even inspite of the many, many, many struggles that I’ve faced and disappointments, God’s word has never been a lie. His words are the only thing that has helped me to remain faithful to Him.

Here’s my summary of what you are to expect to read in this new series called: 3:2. I LOVE to make words and/or numbers have deeper meanings. So as I was spending some alone time with God, He dropped in my spirit to one: start blogging again and two: the significance of me turning 32. You pronounce 3:2 like a ratio 3 to 2. The 3 represents that I’ll be turning 32 in exactly 3 weeks and I’m moving to New York in 2 weeks. There are some other significant meanings to the numbers that I will post about in the future. I will be blogging my last weeks in Houston and my first week in New York. There is SO much in-store for me and I was just reminded of that today as I was encouraged and humbled as I read Deuteronomy 28:1-14. As I listened to it from my Bible app, I started to cry because I felt and heard God saying those words to me and assuring me that due to my obedience, He is going to bless me far greater than I could ever imagine.

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 NLT “If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world. You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God”.

The faithful and consistent things that God has created me to do that I faithfully did was seen by God and will be rewarded with things (not just tangible) that I have never experienced before. Whether it be a crazy amount of peace in a completely chaotic circumstance or financially, I will KNOW that it was nobody but God blessing me with exactly what I need at the perfect time.

So please just sit back and join me on my journey 3:2 and subscribe if you haven’t already.


Discussion question for 3:2: What do you feel holds you back from doing what God is calling you to do? LEAVE YOUR COMMENT BELOW SO WE CAN ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER!!






A new journey awaits you!!!

Well hello there my amazingly sweet community!! I know that it has been a VERY long time since I have checked in with you all and I sincerely apologize for this loooooong break. There is so much to update you all on and I had to personally come on and make a post for you.

The last time I did a post for you all, I was here in New York for only 9 months. Let’s fast-forward to 3 years later. Whoa has this been an amazing rollercoaster of a ride that I wouldn’t change a single thing about it.

I would like to personally invite each of you over to my new blog page I have just started to help others become THAT person who God created you to be. Our becoming Tribees are devoted to learning how to continually walk in purpose unapologetically. Here is the personal link for you to join the party

I can’t wait to see each of you over there as we unpack life and have fun doing it in unapologetic way!!

May God continue to bless each of you in a very special way!! Love youuuuuuuuu

3:2 Jump in

Hey y’all!!! I’m going to miss hearing y’all LoL!! Today was pretty chill for me. I rested more and allowed myself to be ok with doing that. I didn’t realize how much my lifestyle was based on service. So now that I’m in a completely different region and season of life, I am going to have to learn how I fit in.

Ok so I couldn’t sit still that long. Ordered me an Uber and off I went to church. My roommate told me about Uberpool so I decided to try it out tonight, the lady that joined my uber didn’t talk at all. She only said hello when she got in the car and thank you when she left. No eye contact or pleasant smile. That drove me crazy not to talk to people. So when I got “there” my driver dropped me off across the street from it, mind you this is an extremely busy intersection. I asked him if he could get closer and he said no, so I got out and held my bible and my purse close as I said a prayer. I had to look like I knew where I was going and like a New Yorker while inside I was praying that I wouldn’t get hit by a car or robbed. So let’s just thank God I didn’t get hit but a car seemed like it was very close to me but I wasn’t going to look at them. As I walked inside the church now late, Bible study had already started and I absolutely loved it. We actually studied different stories in a different way and had discussions. I will forever be a life long learner. I love learning! Afterwards I was introduced to THE sweetest people that welcomed me in with open arms. A family even dropped me back home so that I didn’t have to uber again. God has a way of doing things perfectly and timely.

Jump in…. As you learn how to swim, in order for you to even begin the process of learning, you actually have to jump in and get wet. A lot of times we don’t even want to jump in, we just want to hang out around the pool. Do you find yourself waiting for someone to TELL you to jump in, waiting on someone to PUSH you in or you are TERRIFIED to jump in? Either one that you are identifying with, they each require a certain type of person to carry it out.

For example I could’ve told myself that you should get all settled in before going to visit churches, or do more research on the area of town of these churches, rest more or even it’s absolutely too cold to be out tonight. But I decided to jump in because I’ve decided that my walk with God should not depend on how I feel or others. If you’re struggling with jumping in… ask yourself the discussion questions that I will post at the bottom.

This was my outfit for tonight! I had on gloves and eventually put on my hood while I was standing outside waiting for the sweet wife of the husband that dropped me off at home. We actually got snow today and it was such a sight for me to see in person.

3:2 Discussion questions…

  1. What are you holding back from jumping into? Whether it be a goal, your purpose or something that you are fearful of doing. Identify that and pray directly towards that to break that chain on fear.
  2. Do you think that you are only affected by the fear of you jumping in?

‘Til next time my loves remember to jump in and learn the process of what God is trying to teach you so that you can teach others.


3:2 No rest zone

I have been non-stop since 6:30 a.m. Today has been such special day. My church family is simply amazing! I was THE biggest cry baby today and hate saying goodbyes. Being able to share some last laughs with my friends surely made my heart smile.


n the eve of my big move, I sit here still in disbelief that the day has finally come. I’m going to post pictures from today. Tomorrow I am going to go into more details. I’m keeping it very light tonight because I still have to finish packing. Please keep me in your prayers.

‘Til next time my loves, I will be blogging from NY tomorrow!!!
